Fraser Institute’s ‘Tax Freedom Day’ Wildly Exaggerates the Tax Bill of the ‘Average Canadian Family’ Published June 20, 2022 Analysis The Fraser Institute’s misleading ‘Tax Freedom Day’ report overstates the typical Canadian family’s tax bill by tens of thousands of dollars
The Toronto Sun Failed to Fact-Check Fraser Institute’s Bogus ‘Tax Freedom Day’ Report, Yet Again Published May 19, 2020 Fact-Check The Fraser Institute’s Tax Freedom Day relies on fuzzy math
Corporate Tax Freedom Day: Today Corporate Canada Stops Paying Taxes and Starts Hoarding Money For Itself Published January 7, 2020 Analysis Canada’s effective corporate tax rate has been cut in half over the last two decades. Where did all that money go?
Don’t Listen to the Toronto Sun: Here’s Why You Should Ignore the Fraser Institute’s Discredited ‘Tax Freedom Day’ Published June 13, 2019 Fact-Check Postmedia’s Sun tabloids are the only ones who still take the right-wing think tank’s annual publicity stunt seriously
Yup, the Toronto Sun is Boosting the Fraser Institute’s Bogus Tax Calculations On Its Front Page Published August 24, 2017 The right wing think tank's numbers grossly exaggerate the taxes ordinary Canadians actually pay
Will 2017 be the year Canadian media finally calls out Fraser Institute’s ‘Tax Freedom Day’ gimmick? Published June 6, 2017 It's time to end the madness of the Fraser Institute's junk "Tax Freedom Day" report once and for all.