Canadian Senator Left Ottawa Days After Ontario’s Lockdown Started. He’s Currently Vacationing in Finland. Published January 7, 2021 News Senator Vernon White confirms he has been on a ‘personal’ trip to the Nordic country since December 28
Maxime Bernier’s Far-Right People’s Party Lists Name of Canadian Senator as a Top Donor Published August 25, 2020 News Senator Lynn Beyak has been suspended from the Senate multiple times and made headlines over remarks about residential schools
Is it time to abolish Canada’s unelected and unaccountable Senate? Published June 29, 2017 The Red Chamber's latest anti-democratic move is just the latest in a long, long history.
Pampered Conservative Senator goes on ignorant rant against bike lanes, gets epically owned Published August 29, 2016 So much for sober second thought!
A resounding 6% of all Canadians say they’re still happy with the Senate Published May 3, 2016 Good news, Canadian senators – you still have a few supporters left!
6 things Mike Duffy taught us about the culture of the Conservative Party Published April 22, 2016 So, what did we all learn from the Mike Duffy trial?