Post Millennial Misleadingly Claims the Ontario Legislature Put a ‘Trigger Warning’ on a John A. Macdonald Statue Published December 8, 2020 Fact-Check No, the Speaker of Ontario's Legislature did not warn the public that a statue of John A. Macdonald might ‘trigger’ their emotions
Ontario Proud’s Viral Facebook Meme Claiming That Canadian Media Ignored the Murder of a Child is False Published December 1, 2020 Fact-Check Ontario Proud falsely claimed the media was 'silent' about the murder of a child and instead focused on an anti-lockdown protest
Canada Proud’s Claim That The Government ‘Banned’ Remembrance Day Ceremonies is Very Clearly False Published November 15, 2020 Fact-Check No, Canada did not cancel Remembrance Day
Post Millennial Journalist Was Created by a Computer and Linked to Foreign Propaganda Operation: Report Published July 7, 2020 News Brief Right-wing website says it ‘stands by’ decision to publish the fake article by a computer-generated journalist
Canada Proud’s Claim That Winston Churchill Was ‘Removed From Google’ is Highly Misleading Published June 16, 2020 Fact-Check Was British Prime Minister Winston Churchill ‘removed’ from Google in an effort to ‘erase and rewrite history‘?