‘Free Speech’ Group Portrays Hollywood Actor Mel Gibson as a Victim of Politically Correct ‘Terrorism’ Published December 23, 2019 News Justice Centre says it was “unaware of Mr. Gibson’s anti-Semitic remarks and his subsequent apology”
Meet the Anti-Semitic White Nationalist Who Ran Jason Kenney’s Call Centre Published October 30, 2018 New Young conservative who ran Jason Kenney’s call centre linked to online store that sells white supremacist memorabilia
Ontario PC Candidate: Let Students Debate Whether The Holocaust ‘Actually Happened’ Published May 30, 2018 Exclusive Ontario PC candidate said students should have absolute freedom to debate unpopular ideas, including Holocaust denial
Ex-Rebel Media Host Promotes 1930s Book by Fascist Author Advocating ‘The Elimination of Jews’ Published April 3, 2018 Video Faith Goldy claims the book is ‘very, very, very, very spot on’
Yep, Ezra Levant’s Rebel Media officially became an international embarrassment this week Published March 18, 2017 Holocaust videos, Nazi celebrations, calls for a holy war to "retake Bethlehem" and international condemnation – all in just one week at Ezra Levant's Rebel Media.
Rebel Media host’s ‘Holocaust’ video praised by Nazis, former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard Published March 13, 2017 Rebel Media's Gavin McInnes shot a frantic video walking back his comments on "Jews" and "the Holocaust" at the airport.