BC’s Outdated Electoral System is Amplifying the Divide Between Rural and Urban Voters Published November 13, 2018 Analysis How BC’s first-past-the-post electoral system leaves rural and urban voters without a voice in the legislature
Meet the Big Business Lobbyists Desperately Fighting To Stop BC’s Electoral Reform Referendum Published August 31, 2018 Analysis British Columbia’s ‘entrenched interests’ seem very, very worried about electoral reform
Justin Trudeau Now Suddenly Thinks Electoral Reform is Bad for Democracy Published February 5, 2018 Video Trudeau’s Liberals made electoral reform a central campaign promise during the 2015 election
Watch the BC Liberals Argue Name-Calling Should Be Permitted in the BC Legislature Published November 9, 2017 Video BC Liberal leadership candidate says name-calling on the floor of the Legislature is 'not unparliamentary'
BC Liberal Leadership Hopeful Claims Electoral Reform Would Lead to a Shortage of Politicians Published November 6, 2017 News Another day, another misleading claim about electoral reform from the BC Liberals
Astroturf Group Run by Ex-Kellie Leitch Campaign Manager Targets BC’s Electoral Reform Vote Published October 19, 2017 News Guess who is quietly lining up to fight British Columbia's upcoming referendum on electoral reform?