Amazon Won’t Say Why it Lobbied Prime Minister’s Office Before Winning Pandemic Supply Contract Published May 1, 2020 New Amazon met with PMO two weeks before the company was awarded a secretive contract to handle Canada’s emergency medical supplies
Amazon’s Hi-Tech System for Tracking its Canadian Workers Poses a ‘Public Health Hazard’, Experts Warn Published April 23, 2020 News “If warehouse productivity is prioritized over these basic measures, you are more likely to have outbreaks of COVID-19 in these warehouses”
Canada Put Amazon in Charge of Handling COVID-19 Medical Supplies. Workers Say They’re Scared of Getting Sick. Published April 20, 2020 New Decision to put Amazon in charge of distributing emergency medical supplies is a 'national disgrace', warehouse workers group say
Federal Government Won’t Disclose Details of New Contract With Amazon to Manage Canada’s COVID-19 Supplies Published April 15, 2020 New Healthcare advocates ‘very concerned’ federal government privatized management of Canada’s emergency stockpile of disaster supplies