The Liberal Government Says It is Looking to Privatize Municipal Water Systems Across Canada Published August 6, 2019 News Canada’s biggest public sector union calls the public-private scheme risky and expensive
Federal Government Brags Agri-Food Workers’ Pay Among Lowest in Industrialized World Published July 29, 2019 Analysis The federal government brags Canada's agri-food workers slave away at the "second lowest costs" in the G7
Justin Trudeau’s 3 funniest excuses for having a secret fundraising dinner with Chinese billionaires Published November 28, 2016 "We're asked to believe that Justin Trudeau ... wandered into a house in Toronto and was astonished to discover that there's a Chinese businessman and party donors."
Does anyone trust the Ontario Liberals to change the same campaign finance rules they exploited? Published April 19, 2016 Let's get this straight: the Ontario Liberals caused a problem, and now they argue only *they* can be trusted to fix it?