Carleton University is Paying Private Investigators to Film Students and Instructors on Picket Lines Published April 4, 2023 News Carleton University contract instructors and teaching assistants are striking against ‘exploitative’ wages
Canada’s Universities and Colleges are Being Taken Over by Big Corporations and Wealthy Donors Published January 31, 2019 Analysis Cuts to public funding at Canadian universities is opening the door to the 'corporatization' of Canadian universities, new report says
Manning Centre says give Canadian universities an “ideological enema” Published October 3, 2016 The Manning Centre, a right-wing think tank founded by former Reform Party leader Preston Manning, is calling for an ideological cleansing of Canadian universities.
Canada’s new Head of the Public Service compared students protesting tuition fees to Nazis Published January 25, 2016 "It has no place in a lawful democratic society – it is the tactics of Brownshirts and Maoists."