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Twitter troll Jason Kenney creates turmoil on Twitter by celebrating Brexit result

David Cameron wasn't the only one to experience a self-inflicted blow last night.


It seems David Cameron wasn’t the only one to experience a self-inflicted blow last night.

In the early hours of Friday morning, following the results of the EU referendum and with the British Pound plummeting and global markets in turmoil, Conservative MP and human Twitter egg Jason Kenney tweeted his “congratulations to the British people.”

Kenney also declared the Brexit a triumph of “hope over fear.”



Given the highly xenophobic tone of the campaign and the prospects of devastating economic impacts that will be felt in Canada and around the world, hope and openness didn’t exactly capture the emotions most people were feeling.

And so, in the middle of the night, Jason Kenney began trending across Canada:


Here are a few of the things people were saying:

Kenney and the National Post’s John Ivison had a lively two-way discussion about Kenney’s admiration for “dog-whistle racism,” although Kenney replied that he merely respects the desire of the British people to be “unencumbered” by non-European migration: 


Others, meanwhile, speculated on what this could all mean for Kenney’s own leadership ambitions:


Although not everyone was entirely critical of Kenney.

Right-wing British politician Daniel Hannan, who once said he wouldn’t blame people for being “unsettled” by President Barack Obama’s “exotic background,” thanked Kenney for being a “true friend to Britain”:


Others noted this is not the first time Kenney has questionably applauded the British:

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