Conservative MP: Canadian Supreme Court Justices Should Face ‘Ideological’ Purity Tests Published August 1, 2018 Video “We need to have conservative judges appointed by conservative politicians, there’s no if, and, but or maybe about it”
Pierre Poilievre and Google Maps don’t agree on where the new Communism memorial will be built Published October 5, 2015 Either Google Maps is wrong or Pierre Poilievre is wrong. Both can't be right.
Oh rats! Another Conservative law ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court! Published April 14, 2015 When, oh ever when, will Justice Minister Peter MacKay just catch a break? On Tuesday, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down two of the Conservatives’ mandatory sentencing rules for illegal possession of a firearm — proving once again that the pesky Charter of Rights and Freedoms doesn’t know how to be a team player […]
Play Stephen Harper’s Blame a Bureaucrat Game! Published May 12, 2014 Think you’re an expert on the growing list of public servants who’ve been attacked, punished, muzzled or fired by the Harper government? Oh sure, you likely know all about Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Beverley McLachlin being targeted by Stephen Harper’s attack machine, but how many more can YOU name? Play Harper’s blame game now:
Ex-Sun TV host says Stephen Harper’s “got a problem.” It could be his attitude. Published May 7, 2014 Conservatives are getting fed up with Stephen Harper’s attitude. That’s what conservative radio host Charles Adler and ex-Sun TV host said Tuesday on his Winnipeg-area radio show, when he went after Harper for picking “fights with public institutions.” Think Elections Canada, the Supreme Court of Canada, and Canada’s veterans. “He’s fighting a lot … You start fighting […]
All you need to know about the bloated omnibus budget bill Published December 4, 2013 The massive budget implementation bill is a step closer to becoming law. The latest move to ram through C-4? Cutting off debate on the floor of the House of Commons this week to get to a final vote on Friday. Key numbers about the bloated bill Laws to be amended: 50 Pages in the […]