Is Your Landlord Threatening to Evict You During the Coronavirus Pandemic? We Want to Talk to You.
We're investigating Canadian landlords that are putting tenants in a tough spot during the coronavirus pandemic
As the world grapples with the global coronavirus pandemic
, Canadians are being asked to reduce social contact as much as possible and stay away from work
if they’re experiencing any symptoms.
That’s putting some workers who live paycheque-to-paycheque in a tight squeeze, especially if they do not receive paid sick leave or work precarious contract jobs.
Housing advocates are now calling for a ban on evictions during the pandemic to make sure no Canadian loses their home in the middle of this emergency.
Get in touch with us:
- If your landlord is threatening to evict you in the middle of the emergency;
- If your landlord is increasing rent, asking for advance payments or refuses to make any accommodations because you’re sick or you just lost your job;
- If you recently received letters or e-mails from a landlord or property manager making unreasonable requests relating to the coronavirus pandemic.
We respect your privacy
We’re investigating landlords during the coronavirus pandemic. Because we need to verify that the information you’re sharing is accurate, we have to ask you to provide your contact info and details about your where you live.
Any information you share with us will be held in confidence and used for journalistic purposes only. Your name will not be added to any marketing lists and we will not share any identifiable information about you with any third party whatsoever — including your landlord. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please fill out this form. We’d like to hear from you.
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