Here are Canada’s worst Conservative tweets of 2016
How Conservative Twitter saw the world in 2016.
How did Canadian Conservative Twitter see the world in 2016?
Let’s take a journey into Twitter dot com’s right-wing alternate reality bubble to find out:
7/7 Fact is Chinese are relatively freer and lot richer, while here big government is back and we will be relatively less free and poorer.
— Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) April 2, 2016
Congratulations to the British people on choosing hope over fear by embracing a confident, sovereign future, open to the world! #Brexit
— Jason Kenney ? (@jkenney) June 24, 2016
@mikesbloggity Important issues, but in all honesty, social issues just didnt rank in the top 100 reasons I ran. I find these debates stale.
— Derek Fildebrandt (@Dfildebrandt) March 2, 2016
NDP sex Marxists are dissolving the basis for social cohesion of Alberta, leading to breakup of Province #yyccc #ableg #yeg #yyc #wrp
— ?Larry Heather (@CalgarySenate) June 17, 2016
Wanted to be there w my friend @calxandr supporting Albertans would’ve chanted w them #cpcldr #LockHerUp
— Brad Trost (@BradTrostCPC) December 6, 2016
@RonaAmbrose should apologize for being out o touch & calling those grass roots Albertans “idiots” #cpcldr #LockHerUp
— Brad Trost (@BradTrostCPC) December 6, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving America! Everybody’s happy & thankful except the Turkey!! Today #IAmThankfulFor financial freedom and family!
— Kevin O’Leary (@kevinolearytv) November 24, 2016
Singing from the same song sheet on the need to end @JustinTrudeau war on the taxpayers. @kevinolearytv #empower
— Tony Clement (@TonyclementCPC) July 15, 2016
When a supposedly scientific meteorologist gives a weather report saying the temperature ‘feels like’,the question is,’feels like’ to whom?
— (((Stockwell Day))) (@Stockwell_Day) October 22, 2016
Proud to be listening to @SheilaGunnReid at #RallyforAlberta in Calgary today. #stopthecarbontax #unlockAlberta
— Chris Alexander (@calxandr) December 11, 2016
The legendary Freedom Pokémon is at the Ottawa Bier Market today. Will you be able to catch him? #cdnpoli
— Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) July 18, 2016
Photo: PressProgress
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