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Conservative MP compares abortion battle to the struggle to end slavery

Anti-choice Conservative MP Stephen Woodworth is at it again, arguing zygotes are people too. On Thursday, Woodworth will try to a push for a vote in the House of Commons to “affirm that every Canadian law must be interpreted in a manner that recognizes in law the equal worth and dignity of everyone who is […]

Anti-choice Conservative MP Stephen Woodworth is at it again, arguing zygotes are people too.

On Thursday, Woodworth will try to a push for a vote in the House of Commons to “affirm that every Canadian law must be interpreted in a manner that recognizes in law the equal worth and dignity of everyone who is in fact a human being.”

Woodworth is a long-time anti-choice crusader who previously attempted to change the criminal code definition of ‘human life’ and called for the legal recognition of “the equal worth and dignity of every human being.” (And he’s got friends in the House of Commons.)

Taking to Twitter to make his case, Woodworth cited the rights of the unborn on par with the struggles against slavery, patriarchy, colonialism and racism.


[<a href=”//storify.com/PressProgress/conservative-mp-zygotes-are-people-too” target=”_blank”>View the story “Conservative MP: zygotes are people too” on Storify</a>]

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