thumb-2024-01-01-leslyn-lewis-united-nations This article is more than 1 year old

Conservative MP Helped Draft Text of Conspiratorial United Nations Petition, Author of Petition Says

Man behind Leslyn Lewis’ petition believes UN wants to enslave humanity and modify DNA to turn humans into ‘different creatures’

A British Columbia man affiliated with a group that believes the United Nations wants to enslave humanity and turn humans into a different species says a Conservative MP had a hand in drafting the text of his petition calling for Canada’s exit from the UN.

Leslyn Lewis, Pierre Poilievre’s “Shadow Minister” for Infrastructure and Communities, is the sponsor of petition e-4623, an official House of Commons petition that calls for Canada’s “expeditious withdrawal from the UN.”

“Canada’s membership in the United Nations (UN) and its subsidiary organizations, (e.g. World Health Organization (WHO), imposes negative consequences on the people of Canada,” the petition states, citing “Sustainable Development” and “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” as examples of the UN’s “negative impacts” on Canadians.

House of Commons

The petition repeatedly cites buzzwords linked to far-right conspiracies, including “Agenda 2030,” the “World Economic Forum” and the “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.”

In November, PressProgress reported that tens of thousands of signatures on the petition appeared linked to efforts by far-right influencers and conspiracy groups who were aggressively promoting it on social media.

Lewis, who authorized the official petition, came under fire last week after promoting the petition on social media:

The official House of Commons e-petition was initiated by Doug Porter, a semi-retired man based in Burnaby, BC who is affiliated with an anti-United Nations group called “Prevent Genocide 2030” as well as a far-right convoy group called “Stand4Thee.”

Porter, who describes himself as a “private person” and has not spoken to journalists about his petition previously, said that when he realized he needed an MP to authorize his petition to get it onto the House of Commons website, he approached Leslyn Lewis as she seemed like a kindred spirit.

“I was looking for an MP to sponsor the petition, which is a requirement before you can submit it,” Porter told PressProgress. “She seemed like the one who would be most favourable … I’ve seen some of her comments and I thought ‘yeah, this would be the right person’.”

According to Porter, he emailed a draft of his petition to Lewis and two Conservative staffers helped him workshop the wording of the text. Porter says Lewis’ office made revisions to his petition and sent him back an edited version that was different from what he originally submitted.

“There were a few changes from what I initially submitted,” Porter explained. “There were a couple of back and forths about the wording.”

As one example, Lewis’ office requested the petition tone down a section on “sexual education.” Porter said he believed that wording was edited to “make it more acceptable to more people,” noting that “the words that we put in were a little stronger.”

Porter said he “objected” to the removal of a line referencing the Canadian Bill of Rights and replacing it with a reference to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms – Porter said he felt strongly about this edit because he opposes the Charter on moral grounds.

“I submitted the Bill of Rights initially. She wanted the Charter,” Porter said, but added that they eventually found a compromise: “We agreed to do both.”

Porter declined to name two Conservative staffers in Lewis’ office whom he said he had multiple communications with about the wording of the petition.

Porter provided another account about these edits in a November Zoom call with “Stand4Thee,” a far-right group that has opposed public health orders, staged protests at drag story time events and called for citizen arrests of elected officials.

Rebecca Shepherd, one of Stand4Thee’s leaders and an Emergencies Act Inquiry witness, told viewers Leslyn Lewis “strong-armed” Doug Porter on the wording of the petition.

Porter recalled that Lewis “suggested a few wording changes here or there which generally we accepted, but when I saw the Bill of Rights was missing and Charter was in its place,” he said “that’s not going to fly,” noting that he’s “totally upset with the Charter, as all of you are.”

“The two of us, we agreed together that both of them would be in the petition.”

Porter told PressProgress that his concerns with the United Nations centre on his belief that the intergovernmental organization consisting of 193 member countries “wants to dominate and control every individual’s life on the planet.”

“The whole agenda, the central bank digital currency, you’re going to eat bugs and like it, you won’t be able to travel more than 15 minutes from where you live,” Porter said.

“If they get what they want, it would be the elimination of a majority of the population and those that would remain would be slaves, and they would be repeatedly injected with mRNA injections to change their DNA so they lose their humanity and they are different creatures.”

Porter said the original text of the petition was co-authored in collaboration with foreign national James Rugowski, a California-based conspiracy theorist who also writes about alternative medicine, natural cancer cures and has produced a series of 9/11 truther videos.

Doug Porter directed PressProgress to a website called “Prevent Genocide 2030” that lists Rugowski and an individual named “St. Doug of the North” as two of the group’s founding members.

The website claims the United Nations is planning a “global genocide” and includes a section on education that claims the UN is also secretly working to promote “the sexualization of all children” through the “use schools to normalize pedophilia.”

“The UN/WHO plan is grooming children into hyper-sexualized behaviours beginning in preschool,” the website’s education section claims. “The UN/WHO clears the way for all children to be available for sexual exploitation by anyone of any age.”

(Prevent Genocide 2030)

The education section includes a video interview between Infowars’ Alex Jones and Dr. Rima Laibow, a controversial psychiatrist and conspiracy theorist who is also listed as another one of the founders of “Prevent Genocide 2030.”

In 2021, a US federal court ordered Laibow to stop distributing “unapproved and misbranded drugs touted as a treatment for COVID-19.” The US Department of Justice, Laibow had been selling pills containing “silver particles” to “prevent, treat or cure COVID-19.” Laibow previously marketed the same pill as a cure for ebola.

In December, Laibow appeared on the livestream of Canadian far-right evangelical influencer Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson to promote the petition sponsored by Lewis.

“In Canada, one of our collaborators, Doug Porter, who lives in British Columbia, presented a petition to Leslyn Lewis, Member of Parliament, and she is sponsoring it as the Member of Parliament,” Laibow said. “It is a Canadian parliamentary petition which obliges the parliament to have a debate on exactly the same thing.”

Laibow emphasized the urgency for this debate by claiming the United Nations is running secret “mind control programs for every child in the world” through sex education curricula.

“They’re using what they learned in the Monarch program and the MK Ultra program about sexual trauma, repeated sexual trauma, to create mind controlled individuals who used to be known as children protected by parents and parental rights,” Laibow added.

“Your parliamentary petition needs to be signed.”

At another point, Laibow told Thompson that mRNA vaccines are part of a secret plot by the United Nations to depopulate Earth and create a new species that will serve the global elites as an underclass of genetically-modified slaves.

“They believe that less than 10% of these diminished DNA modified human beings is all that they’ll need to serve their needs. That’s how clear they are about how many of us they want dead.”

Lewis’ office did not respond to a request for comment from PressProgress.

Every petition carries a disclaimer noting “there is no obligation on the part of the House of Commons or any Member of Parliament to authorize the publication of an e-petition or to present an e-petition or a paper petition to the House of Commons.”


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Luke LeBrun
Luke LeBrun is the Editor of PressProgress. His reporting focuses on the federal political scene, right-wing politics as well as issues in technology, media and culture.

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