Stephen Harper and the clear, simple, straightforward answer
If you’re not “very clear” on the ever-changing Senate scandal story from the Conservatives, you can be forgiven. Stephen Harper’s former chief of staff Nigel Wright “acted alone,” the Prime Minister told us, then “very few” knew of the scheme. Now, as new RCMP documents reveal, at least a dozen people, including more than a few […]
If you’re not “very clear” on the ever-changing Senate scandal story from the Conservatives, you can be forgiven. Stephen Harper’s former chief of staff Nigel Wright “acted alone,” the Prime Minister told us, then “very few” knew of the scheme.
Now, as new RCMP documents reveal, at least a dozen people, including more than a few in Stephen Harper’s own office, were intimately involved in working out the repayment of Mike Duffy’s improper expenses and the white-washing of an audit.
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