So, Conservative leader Rona Ambrose’s Twitter Q&A was a train wreck…
Interim Conservative leader Rona Ambrose hosted a question and answer session at Twitter headquarters Tuesday afternoon.
Interim Conservative leader Rona Ambrose hosted a question and answer session at Twitter headquarters Tuesday afternoon.
Hey everyone, I’ll be @TwitterCanada HQ tomorrow for a Q&A. Send your Qs using #AskAmbrose. Hope to hear from you! pic.twitter.com/caZi4r2cPC
— Rona Ambrose (@RonaAmbrose) February 29, 2016
How did that go?
Well, you can’t say there wasn’t a reaction:
#askambrose is now trending in Canada https://t.co/oLlm55UGQG
— Trendsmap Canada (@TrendsmapCanada) March 1, 2016
Unfortunately for Ambrose, you can’t say the reaction was positive either.
Here is a sampling of some of the questions that helped #AskAmbrose become the top trending hashtag in Canada:
Am I old stock or new stock? #AskAmbrose
— Rabie Abdelhamid (@RAA353) March 1, 2016
On the day that Harper was found in contempt of Parliament, what was the mood in cabinet? #AskAmbrose
— StumpyJoChilds (@StumpyJoChilds) March 1, 2016
Will this be your government’s legacy? #AskAmbrose pic.twitter.com/qaJn3bppoH
— Nickie (@MuskokaMoneybag) March 1, 2016
In #elxn42 your party stirred up anti-Muslim sentiment & there were acts of violence against Muslims & mosques.
Are you sorry? #AskAmbrose
— Andrew Tumilty (@AndrewTumilty) March 1, 2016
#askambrose um? pic.twitter.com/giJLq7USaT
— Laura B. (@LauraE303B) March 1, 2016
#AskAmbrose Please explain why your government cut off medical help for refugees.
— Fern Hill (@fernhilldammit) March 1, 2016
#AskAmbrose Why didn’t you support the investigation of #MMIW while you were in office? Why the change now that you’re in the opposition?
— Michael O’Connor (@spaceandguns) March 1, 2016
.@RonaAmbrose According to the Conservatives declaration,you still don’t support gay marriage.What’s up? #AskAmbrose pic.twitter.com/JyrVthyoWh
— Mike Morrison (@mikesbloggity) March 1, 2016
#AskAmbrose if I declare my uterus a corporation will #CPC stop trying to regulate it?#prochoice pic.twitter.com/zzgwZeClbE
— Kathy Dawson (@blueskies366) March 1, 2016
#AskAmbrose hey @RonaAmbrose why did your government create an “enemies list” & audit charities that countered your ideology?#cdnpoli
— PatRiotChick (@PatOndabak) March 1, 2016
#AskAmbrose Why did the #CRA target environmental and anti-poverty charities during the last #CPC government? #cdnpoli
— Jim Calder (@progright) March 1, 2016
#askAmbrose will you be continuing to push the illegal attack on unions and tradespeople if elected? If so, why? #C377 #C525
— Jonathan Sprung (@rightsprung) March 1, 2016
#AskAmbrose Can you backup the absurd Tory “math” on fed govt workers’ sick leave? #cdnpoli
— James Cavalluzzo (@tendercomrade) March 1, 2016
#AskAmbrose Why did your party spend so much time closing down internationally recognized science stations?
— Chris (@Cosmic_dwarf) March 1, 2016
#AskAmbrose Does the CPC officially acknowledge that climate change is real and its effects hurt both the economy & environment…yes or no?
— Univrsle (@univrsle) March 1, 2016
#AskAmbrose Do you admit your party’s obsessive focus on resources hurt Canada’s manufacturing base, leaving us vulnerable to an oil shock?
— CANADALEK (@CANADALEK) March 1, 2016
#AskAmbrose Why did you negotiate such a bad deal in secret? #TPP #cdnpoli #CPC
— Slim Dude (@theslimdude) March 1, 2016
#AskAmbrose Why does the CPC think that cutting taxes is the solution for everything?
— Douglas Connors (@calmecam) March 1, 2016
#AskAmbrose Ms @RonaAmbrose why did #CPC sell GM shares @ a lost & funding was withheld from Vets and First Nations ? #MagicBudget #cdnpoli.
— Just a voter (@VStheRhetoric) March 1, 2016
@RonaAmbrose #AskAmbrose I forgot my Gmail passwd. Can CSIS send it to me?
— diddly-squat (@diddlyskwat) March 1, 2016
Who was the bigger disaster as a Minister: Leona Aglukkaq or Julian Fantino? #AskAmbrose
— StumpyJoChilds (@StumpyJoChilds) March 1, 2016
That didn’t go so well.
Photo: Facebook.
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