Wildrose MLA Derek Fildebrandt under fire after dismissing “social issues” as boring
"I find these debates stale."
Wildrose Finance Critic Derek Fildebrandt doesn’t seem to have a lot of time for “social issues.”
As Alberta schools prepare to implement new LGBTQ guidelines in accordance with Bill 10, passed last year by the previous PC government with support from all parties, Fildebrandt tweeted Tuesday morning that he finds “social issues” a touch too “stale” for his tastes.
Responding to a question about where Wildrose stands on the issue, Fildebrandt tweeted that they’re “important issues,” but “in all honesty, social issues just didn’t rank in the top 100 reasons I ran.”
“I find these debates stale.”
@mikesbloggity Important issues, but in all honesty, social issues just didnt rank in the top 100 reasons I ran. I find these debates stale.
— Derek Fildebrandt (@Dfildebrandt) March 2, 2016
Alberta’s former Deputy Premier Thomas Lukaszuk found Fildebrandt’s dismissive attitude surprising:
Never imagined that WRP #ableg Opposition would ever say that human rights & social issues are stale & not priority. pic.twitter.com/w1oZWYv4CD
— Thomas A. Lukaszuk (@LukaszukAB) March 2, 2016
As did Alberta NDP MLAs Karen McPherson and Michael Connolly:
@Dfildebrandt If that’s because you believe the issue to be resolved, it’s not. LGBTQ youth are entitled to human rights @mikesbloggity
— Karen McPherson (@NDPKaren) March 2, 2016
Homelessness, income inequality, interpartner violence, addictions, hate crimes, & LGBTQ rights are “stale”? #ableg https://t.co/tIGrshLTKn
— Michael Connolly (@NDPMikeC) March 2, 2016
Reaction to Fildebrandt’s comments even managed to transcend party lines.
Here’s what Progressive Conservative MLAs Richard Starke and Sandra Jansen had to add:
Support for vulnerable Albertans?
Poverty reduction?
Domestic violence?
You find these “stale”?
Wow.— Richard Starke (@RichardStarke) March 2, 2016
“Social issues” encompass & affect a great deal of what we do. That you don’t get this, is mind-boggling ! #ableg https://t.co/IGxKOR64ao
— Sandra Jansen (@SANDRAYYCNW) March 2, 2016
And much of Alberta Twitter appeared to agree:
.@Dfildebrandt Sorry you find the debate for LGTBQ rights “stale.” Do these facts make it more exciting for you? pic.twitter.com/P3s0MiA5g9
— Mike Morrison (@mikesbloggity) March 2, 2016
I challenge @DFildebrandt to come to @PrideCalgary this September & tell everyone equal LGBTQ rights aren’t in his top100 priorities. #AbLeg
— Dave Beninger (@DaveBeninger) March 2, 2016
Ladies and gentlemen, Derek Fildebrandt. The face of compassionate conservativsm in Alberta #ableg https://t.co/OrCKS7Hcxp
— Duncan Kinney (@duncankinney) March 2, 2016
Wow. No social issues at all in the top 100? Not homelessness, or unemployment, or senior care? https://t.co/E4RaVjhcvN
— Richard Zach (@RrrichardZach) March 2, 2016
Wow. Just wow. https://t.co/nQdKJXKPR4
— Josh Traptow (@jtraptow) March 2, 2016
@davecournoyer @DaveBeninger @Dfildebrandt @mikesbloggity So guess education and health care, two big budget items, not social issues?
— J. B. M. (@vijamsonic) March 2, 2016
Photo: Alberta Legislature. D. Climenhaga.
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