Gerry Ritz on global warming: “This cold weather can’t last forever”
Conservative Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz sounded just like a Fox News commentator this week when he joked in the House of Commons about the cold weather and global warming. “This cold weather can’t last forever. This global warming has to stop some time, and when that does break,” Ritz said, the grain transportation system will be running […]
Conservative Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz sounded just like a Fox News commentator this week when he joked in the House of Commons about the cold weather and global warming.
“This cold weather can’t last forever. This global warming has to stop some time, and when that does break,” Ritz said, the grain transportation system will be running on all cylinders.
Viewers of Fox News hear this kind of climate change denying talk all the time whenever a winter storm wallops the United States. Here’s how the argument goes: cold weather, like the polar vortex, disproves the idea of global warming (even if the opposite is true.)
“Global warming?” they say. “But it’s so cold!”
Watch the Conservative contribution to this debate:
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